Kundalini yoga is a holistic practice that includes physical movement, breath techniques, sound, mantra, and meditation. It is a yoga for everyone – regardless of age or level of physical ability.
Kundalini yoga is a successor of the most ancient yoga known, referred to as kriya yoga in the oldest written text Bhagavat Gita.
It is often called ‘yoga of awareness’. It has a transcendental dimension which leads you to grow in consciousness. Once you discovered Kundalini yoga, the change is inevitable. Set up a direction by your intention and stay on the course by committing to your practice, and the course is a journey of your life. It is a journey to become the best version of yourself, your True Self, a Blissful Self, a Happy, Healthy and Holly Self
“Kundalini Yoga is the science to unite the finite with Infinity, and it’s the art to experience Infinity in the finite.” – Yogi Bhajan

Online Yoga

Kundalini Yoga as we practice it, is a yoga for modern people leading a modern life. You have this choice. You can become a nun or a hermit meditating in a mountain cave in order to reach a state of bliss, or you can do your practice at home, continue performing you earthy duties, and still reach a state of peace and harmony within.
You don’t need to renounce yourself from the world. What you do, is to announce your self to a regular yoga practice. Kundalini technology gives you inner tools you need to meet the challenges of life and come back to your naturally blissful state.

I offer Zoom Live classes with the convenience of your home.
Start Now, Get on Your Mat



Teacher Training

Whether you practiced kundalini yoga for a while or recently discovered it, you may decide now, that you want to know more about this ancient science. Kundalini yoga teacher training is a great way to start a journey to explore the science of yoga and, eventually, you find yourself on a bigger journey of yourself discovery, which may take you to a completely unexpected place, a place where your soul always wanted to go.
We are super excited to see you joining us for this journey!

Private Sessions

Discover the benefits and the magic of Kundalini yoga in action. As what is magic, if not a power to transform and create a new reality? With each session alchemy happens every time you call on this power.
I would be delighted to assist you to start or deepen your Kundalini practice, either on zoom or in a live session. Each session is tailored to your needs.
We can do yoga and combine it with a life style consultation, learn how to meditate or simply develop a regular practice to maintain your wellbeing.