Quantum Health is a holistic approach to our body, mind and spirit, where the new age medical science converges with a sacred millennia old practice.
Image by Josh Pierce
Every Human Being, each of us, is a complex multidimensional living system and the only way for you to be healthy and happy is to treat yourself like this.
We have physical, emotional, mental and energetic bodies that work in synchronicity. When one is out of balance, it affects the entire system. If we have an emotional issue, our stomach would suffer and vice versa.
Ancient medicine not only knew about it perfectly well, but also developed the most sophisticated knowledge and practice around human wellbeing, which works breath-takingly well. For many decades, modern medicine has largely ignored this deeply profound and invaluable knowledge.
There is no doubt that medical and biomedical science achieved remarkable results in many areas of human’s health. Today doctors can treat infections effectively, replace knees and hips, IVF babies are not a miracle anymore. However, there are many health challenges and chronic conditions where conventional medicine has limitations and challenges, for example, side-effects and long-term effects of the drugs.
The recent years showed a huge positive change. The most “forward” thinking medical doctors and researchers started looking “back” into traditional practices finding a way to bring the best of two worlds together for the benefit of human health.
One of the important developments of the conventional medical research was confirmation of the effect the life style and mindfulness on the wellbeing, in other words, looking at the human body holistically.
Among the breadth and wealth of ancient healing modalities, which are available and can be successfully deployed, yoga has a special place. Yoga gives you a technique and awareness to create an ultimate wellbeing of your entire system. You can develop a strong immune, glandular and nervous systems and this foundation will allow you to deal successfully with physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of life.