New Feminine
Each and every woman bears within her a sacredness of Divine Feminine,
the energy of goddess Shakti, which is the energy of creation and love.
the energy of goddess Shakti, which is the energy of creation and love.
We, women are beautiful and radiant creations of the Universe, who come from the heart of Source. We are the givers of life, we are infused with the breath of life. We each hold the antient wisdom of the Great Mother and our ancestors for our own healing and transformation.
As humanity is going through the evolution of consciousness, it is led by women who bring more love and compassion into life on earth.
We can transform the world as we hold a magical power of manifestation within us.
Image by Amanda Sage
Divine Sangat is a place where we re-call and re-claim our divine feminine powers. It was created 3 March 2019 (3:3:3) by 3 women, in cosmic resonance with a number 3, a number of creativity and manifestation.
Divine Sangat is a Women’s Circle, where every woman can offer her sacred gifts to others. It is a sisterhood universal cycle of giving and receiving. We share the gentle energy of our hearts to heal our families and the Planet Earth; and we learn from each other how to we can fully love and accept ourselves and bring peace into our lives.
“Divine Feminine is that universal consciousness, connected to the wisdom of the heart and to the laws of loving, harmonious and peaceful life.”
“The power of the Feminine is returning to our consciousness. We get a glimpse of her from the corner of our eye. She is not quite here yet, but more and more women are turning towards her, seeking her, looking for ways to embody her again. We slowly begin to realize that we need her desperately. The earth is starving, humanity is starving, for the ways of the feminine to put an end to destruction and violence and desecration. We long for the return of the sacred. Slowly, at least in some parts of the world, women begin to enjoy to be women, to be grateful for a feminine body, to revalue the feminine ways of thinking and feeling and living”. – Oneness of life
Let us connect, Beloved Sister